menachim begin造句
- From 1977 on, the government of Menachim Begin strongly backed settlement at Kedumim.
- :I have a question for the OP . Was Menachim Begin a terrorist?
- He was elected speaker of the Knesset in 1977, and in 1980 joined Menachim Begin's cabinet.
- Arab officials sometimes point out that it was Menachim Begin, a right-wing leader, who returned the Sinai.
- In 1979, two years before his death, Gen . Dayan had joined the right-wing government of Menachim Begin as Foreign Minister.
- Many of his fans will remember his scathing cartoons of former Israeli Prime Minister Menachim Begin and Israeli Defence Minister Ariel Sharon-all recurring sources of Kahil's satire.
- Carter was denied a portion of the 1978 Peace Prize on a technicality, while the two men he brought together at Camp David, Anwar Sadat and Menachim Begin, shared it.
- In doing so, Barak was repeating a somber excursion arranged by President Carter at his Camp David summit meeting for the Israeli leader, Menachim Begin, and the Egyptian president, Anwar Sadat.
- Six weeks later, President Carter and the First Lady traveled by Marine helicopter to Cedar Point Farm, Hughes'home on Maryland's Eastern Shore, where he placed a telephone call to Menachim Begin.
- He said that in 13 days of talks, Israeli Prime Minister Menachim Begin and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat held sessions the first couple of days with President Carter that were " very acrimonious, very unpleasant ."
- It's difficult to see menachim begin in a sentence. 用menachim begin造句挺难的
- He prepared psychological profiles of such leaders as President Anwar Sadat of Egypt and Prime Minister Menachim Begin of Israel in advance of the Mideast peace talks at Camp David, and analyzed President Saddam Hussein of Iraq during the Persian Gulf war.
- The decision fell short of formally breaking the ties established in 1979 by Anwar Sadat and Menachim Begin, and was intended as much to placate rising frustration among the Egyptian public as to signal its own anger over the widening Israeli military campaign.
- The decision fell short of formally breaking the ties established in 1979 by Anwar Sadat of Egypt and Menachim Begin of Israel, and seemed intended as much to placate rising frustration among the Egyptian public as to signal its own anger over the widening Israeli military campaign.
- Following the publication of his research into the murder of Haim Arlosoroff, 1982, Menachim Begin-first Israeli Prime Minister elected from the Revisionist movement-ordered a Judicial Commission of Enquiry which concluded that Teveth was wrong to suggest the murder might have been carried out by two Revisionists.
- In 1979 Iranian students stormed the U . S . Embassy in Tehran, taking the occupants hostage, Anwar el-Sadat and Menachim Begin signed a treaty ending a 30-year war between Egypt and Israel, and a reactor accident at the Three Mile Island generating station spewed nuclear waste into the air.
- The Oslo Nobel judges previously have used their award to encourage progress in peacemaking _ most notably in the Middle East, where Israel's Menachim Begin and Egypt's Anwar Sadat shared honors in 1978, and Palestine Liberation Organization chief Yasser Arafat joined Israel's Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres in 1994.
- But in any event, if there are any paranoid comments that have been presented ( on either side ), I would point to would Menachim Begin said when asked if he didn't think that he was paranoid when he considered the intentions of the surrounding Arab countries . " Even paranoid people have enemies, " he responded.
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